Java 集成开发环境 - Eclipse

本小节我们将介绍如何在我们的电脑上安装并配置开发工具:Eclipse IDE 1. IDE 概述 1.1 IDE 是什么? IDE 即 Integrated Development Environment 的缩写,中文意为集成开发环境,是用于提供程序开发环境的应用程序,一般包括代码编辑器、编译器、调试器和图形用户界面等工具

第一个 Java 程序

本节我们将以 Windows 操作系统为例,编写并执行第一个 J**a 程序。在这之前,请确保你的操作系统上已经安装了 JDK 1. 编译程序 大家可能有个疑问,为什么需要编译程序呢?计算机不能直接执行我们编写的源代码吗? 这是由于计算机只能识别由 0 和 1 组成的二进制代码。需要通

Why you should use NumPy arrays instead of nested Python lists?

In this article, we will show you why to use NumPy arrays instead of nested Python lists, and the similarities and differences between them. Python NumPy Library NumPy is a Python library designed to work efficiently with arrays in Python. It is fast, sim

Write a Python code to sort an array in NumPy by the nth column?

In this article, we will show you how to sort an array in NumPy by the nth column both in ascending and descending order in python. NumPy is a Python library designed to work efficiently with arrays in Python. It is fast, simple to learn, and efficient in

Python Program to calculate the volume and area of Cone

A cone is a three-dimensional figure that is formed by connecting infinite line segments from a common point to all the points in a circular base. This common point is also known as an apex. The cone is measured using three dimensions: radius of its circu

Python Program to calculate the volume and area of Sphere

A sphere (solid) is usually considered a two-dimensional figure even though the figure is seen in three planes from its center. The main reason for this is that, a sphere is only measured using its radius. However, a hollow sphere is considered a three-di

Java 封装

本小节我们将学习什么是封装、为什么需要封装,最后也会以一个 NBA 球员类的案例来实现封装。 1. 概念和特点 类的基本作用就是封装代码。封装将类的一些特征和行为隐藏在类内部,不允许类外部直接访问。 封装可以被认为是一个保护屏障,防止该类的代码和数据被外部类定义的代

Go 语言在 MacOS 上的安装及配置

这节课我们就来学习下如何在 Windows 操作系统下安装 Go 语言的开发环境: 1. Go 语言的下载 注:本文以本文撰写时的 Go 语言最新版本,也就是 go.1.13.8 版本为例*。* 1.1 Go语言的下载 下载 MacOS 版本的 Go 语言环境压缩包: curl -O

How do you use Python to make websites?

In this article, we will discuss how to use Python to make websites. Python is a 1991 programming language that has increased in popularity over the last decade. Python coders are in high demand in the computer industry nowadays. Python is a general-purpo

Is Python better for certain programming needs?

In this article, we will discuss whether Is Python better for certain programming needs? like Competitive Coding. The answer is YES; python is better for coding. It makes code in fewer lines within a short period of time. Product-based companies require g


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