Which is better for data analysis: R or Python?

In this article, we will explain R and python and which is better for data analysis: R or Python. Python and R are both popular statistical programming languages. While R's functionality is designed with statisticians in mind (considering R's powerful dat

How to Find a P-Value from a t-Score in Python?

Data is a valuable asset that plays a crucial part in today's society, as everything is strongly dependent on data. Today, all technologies are data-driven, and massive volumes of data are generated on a regular basis. Data is unprocessed information that

宝塔利用 Git + WebHook 实现与码云同步【自动部署】

1. 将项目拉取到云服务器 2. 配置 SSH 公共密钥 3. 宝塔安装webhook 4. 配置 gitee WebHook 5. 测试同步 1. 将项目拉取到云服务器 拉取指定分支到云服务器 git clone -b 分支名 仓库地址 git clone -b liang https://gitee.com/holyking/test.git 配置永久记住密码 git conf

.gitignore 忽略文件和目录

1. .gitignore 简介 2. .gitignore 注释 3. / 开头或结尾的忽略 4. glob 模式匹配忽略 5. .gitignore 全局忽略 6. 忽略已提交到远程仓库的内容 7. 使用各种框架下的忽略规则 1. .gitignore 简介 .gitignore 文件的作用就是告诉 git 哪些文件不需要添加到版本管理中(定义忽略

How to flip an image in OpenCV Python?

In OpenCV, an image can be flipped using the function cv2.flip(). Using this function we can flip the image across X-axis, Y-axis and across both axes. It accepts a flag flipCode as an argument to flip the image across the axis. If the flipCode is set to

How to normalize an image in OpenCV Python?

We use the function cv2.normalize() to normalize an image in OPenCV. This function accepts the parameters- src, dst, alpha, beta, norm_type, dtype and mask. src and dst are input image and output of the same size as input, alpha is lower norm value for ra

OpenCV Python – How to find the shortest distance between a point in the image a

We could compute the shortest distance between a point and a contour on the image using cv2.pointPolygonTest() passing the contour points coordinates and the point coordinate as arguments. Before applying cv2.pointPolygonTest() we need to compute the cont

OpenCV Python – How to convert a colored image to a binary image?

We use cv2.threshold() to convert a grayscale image to binary image. To convert a color image to binary image, we first convert the color image to grayscale image using cv2.cvtColor() then apply cv2.threshold() on the grayscale image. Steps One could fol

Python 标准库之 Json 模块

JSON (J**aScript Object Notation) 是一种轻量级的数据交换格式。它基于 ECMAScript (欧洲计算机协会制定的 j**ascript 规范)的一个子集,采用完全独立于编程语言的文本格式来存储和表示数据。简洁和清晰的层次结构使得 JSON 成为理想的数据交换语言。 易于人阅读和编写,同

Python 生产者消费者模型

1. 简介 生产者和消费者问题是线程模型中的经典问题: 生产者和消费者共享同一个存储空间 生产者往存储空间中添加产品,消费者从存储空间中取走产品 当存储空间为空时,消费者阻塞,当存储空间满时,生产者阻塞 Python 的内置模块 queue 提供了对生产者和消费者模型的支持,模


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