
1. 前言 本小节我们介绍 VueRouter 路由组件传参。包括 params 传参、query 传参的两种方式。路由传参的知识点非常重要,在日常开发中,我们经常会通过路由传递各种参数,同学们在学完本节后可以将小节中的案例自己动手实现一遍,这样才可以加深印象并熟练掌握。 2. params 传

What are decorators in Python?

A Decorator is one of the most powerful design patterns in Python. Decorator is used to add new features to an already created object without modifying its structure. With Decorators, you can easily wrap another function for extending the wrapped function

Numpy Array advantage over a Nested List

In this article, we will learn about the advantages of a Numpy array with a Nested List in Python. The Numpy array definitely has advantages over a Nested. Let’s see the reasons − The array in Numpy executes faster than a Nested List. A Nested

Vue 项目本地 Mock 数据

1. 前言 本小节我们将带大家学习如何在 Vue-Cli3 初始化的项目中创建 Mock 数据。 2. 简介 在日常开发中,接口的联调是非常普遍的。然而,有些时候接口并不会及时提供,这时候就需要我们自己 Mock 数据来模拟接口的实现。 3. 创建 Mock 数据 首先,我们在项目的根路径下创建

Vue 第三方库的使用

1. 前言 本小节我们将带大家学习如何在项目中使用第三方库。在日常的开发中,我们正在大量的使用第三方库。学会使用第三方库可以说是前端工程师最基本的技能。其实,使用第三方库非常简单,绝大部分库的文档中都会教我们如何使用。接下来我们用几个案例来学习使用第三方库。

My Python program is too slow. How do I speed it up?

If your Python program is too slow, you can follow the below given tips and tricks − Abstraction Avoid excessive abstraction, especially under the form of tiny functions or method. Abstractions tend to create indirections and force the interpreter t

How do I create static class data and static class methods in Python?

Python includes the concept of static class data and static class methods. The static class data Here, define a class attribute for the static class data. Explicitly use the class name in the assignment, if you want to assign a new value to the attribute

What WWW tools are there for Python?

With Python, we can also create Web Applications. Python provides multiple frameworks for the web development. Let us see some them which are widely used. Django Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, prag

How do I create documentation from doc strings in Python?

To create documentation from doc strings, we can use the following packages and modules − Pydoc Epydoc Sphinx Let us understand them one by one − Pydoc The pydoc module can create HTML from the doc strings in your Python source code. The pydoc

C 语言中的算数运算符

我们对 C 语言的运算符有了一个基本的了解,这节课我们来详细的看下运算符中的算术运算符: 1. 算数运算符 算数运算符是用来进行算数运算的符号,主要包含以下几个符号: 运算符 作用 示例 = 赋值 a=1 + 加法或者正号 a+b, +a - 减法或者负号 a-b, -a * 乘法 a*b / 除法 a/b


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